
College of Alberta Dental Assistants

Project Type

E-Learning Development

Online Course Development, College of Alberta Dental Assistants

Business Challenge

The College of Alberta Dental Assistants identified a need for dental assistants to have a better understanding of legal and regulatory requirements for Dental Assistants to practice in Alberta.


eHanlis Inc. worked with the College of Alberta Dental Assistants to conduct a needs assessment with members. As a result of the needs assessment, eHanlis Inc. developed an engaging online module on the legal and regulatory requirements for members. The module used responsive design, allowing members to complete it on a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile device.

College of Alberta Dental Assistants

Project Activities

The following activities were completed for this project:

  • Developed, delivered, and summarized an online needs assessment survey with members of the College.
  • Designed a storyboard for an online module.
  • Developed a practical, interactive, scenario based online module with audio narration and plain language that ensures Dental Assistants in Alberta can identify regulatory and legal responsibilities.
  • Revised the mandatory Jurisprudent Quiz for members to better address best practices in assessment and learning.
  • Evidence of Successful Completion: This course was launched and successfully implemented for Dental Assistants that are members of the College of Alberta Dental Assistants.